How to integrate Sales Navigator Inbox to LeadDelta (SalesNav)? Read/Reply only.
LeadDelta inbox is becoming more innovative and better every day, and the LinkedIn Sales Navigator inbox is finally here 🎉 SalesNav inbox tab If you're currently using Sales Navigator this part of the inbox will be visible when you navidate to the inbox page. When you click on the Sales Navigator tab, the system will ask you to log in to your Sales Navigator account if you haven't aFew readersInbox - Sending Messages
Sending messages from our Inbox has never been easier! Send new individual or group messages, use templates and send different types of files. Inbox How to send New Messages Many of our users wanted the ability to compose a new, single message while working on their LinkedIn conversations. With just a few clicks, you can composeFew readersInbox Feature
A smart LinkedIn inbox that gives you space to manage your vital conversations. Relationships are built through conversations, so here’s how to use all Inbox functionalities to upgrade your game... Inbox When you click on the Inbox option, it will open a new page where you can perform the cFew readersInbox - Archive & Delete
Deleting messages Managing relationships and keeping up with conversations can be overwhelming and quite noisy. Do you want to clear up some old or not meaningful discussions? You can also delete the conversations you don’t need anymore! 🎉 Delete message ( readersInbox - Star & Pin
Do you have some meaningful conversations about staying on top? We got your back! Behold Pin/ Unpin! Push your meaningful and important conversations to the top so you can quickly revisit those in case you need to reply or follow up with your connections. If you don’t have a priority on those conversations anymore, you can easily unpin them from the top of your inbox. Pin ( readersInbox - Filters
Getting lost in the sea of messages can be confusing and overwhelming. We introduced a few filters to help you navigate easier and stay on top of conversations. Our five filters include Pinned, Stared, Read, Tag and Archived. To access filters, click the on the right, and an action menu with filters will drop. Filters Using tFew readersSparkleAI
Revolutionize Communication with LeadDelta's ChatGPT PluginFew readers