Articles on: Inbox

Inbox - Star & Pin


Do you have some meaningful conversations about staying on top? We got your back!
Behold Pin/ Unpin!

Push your meaningful and important conversations to the top so you can quickly revisit those in case you need to reply or follow up with your connections.
If you don’t have a priority on those conversations anymore, you can easily unpin them from the top of your inbox.


Of course, to manage those conversations easier we also introduced an option to filter by pinned/unpinned messages:

Filter by pin/unpin state


After the pin/unpin release, we concluded that we needed to go the extra mile to make accessing those important messages more accessible, and what’s easier than starring the messages to find them later quickly?


Mix that with the “starred” filter, and you have the match made in Heaven- star a message in your inbox, it immediately marks it as essential, and the filter will fetch that important message later.

Filter by star/unstar state

When it’s no longer critical, unstar or unpin the message with one simple click from the conversation or the action bar for multiple contacts.

Unpin & Unstar

Your LeadDelta team
P.S. Growing a business is hard. We try to make it a bit easier, here.

Updated on: 27/03/2024

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