Articles on: Inbox

Inbox - Filters

Inbox Filters

Getting lost in the sea of messages can be confusing and overwhelming. We introduced a few filters to help you navigate easier and stay on top of conversations.

Our five filters include Pinned, Stared, Read, Tag and Archived.

To access filters, click the Filter button on the right, and an action menu with filters will drop.


Using these filters will help you find those vital conversations more efficiently, and segmentation by tags will help you organize your Inbox and work on a specific group of connections at a time.

| Pinned Filter

This filter has a drop-down menu with three options: All, Yes, and No.

Pinned Filter

Pinning your most meaningful conversations or pending ones to the top so you don’t forget to reply is vital.

The Pinned Filter will enable you to isolate these conversations and focus on them at the right time.

Filtered Pinned conversations

| Stared Filter

This filter has a drop-down menu with three options: All, Yes, and No.

Stared Filter

Some conversations are meaningful, and you don’t want to lose them, staring enables you to set them as high priority and access them later when needed.

Paring the Staring option with the Pin option, and all of your vital contacts will be labeled. 🚀

Revisit all the stared conversations in an isolated view using the Stared Filter.

Filtered Stared conversations

| Read Filter

This filter has a drop-down menu with three options: All, All Read, and All Unread.

By marking your conversations by Read or Unread, you can easily track conversations you missed along the line and get back to them quickly.

Read Filter

Get on top of your Inbox, respond fast by filtering by the read/unread state, and more efficiently manage conversations.

Filtered Unread conversations

| Tag Filter

Tags enable you to section your network and have more information at a glance for your connections.

If you talk to a connection about a sale, quickly tag them, for example, by a tag send offer and later quickly identify contacts who expect your proposal.

Or tagging by profession or content topic enables you to quickly jump into the conversation with similar topics of interest.

Tag Filter

For maximum productivity output, set up a workflow by segmenting your network by specific tags and then filter by tag to efficiently work on a particular group of connections.

Filtered Tagged conversations

| Archive Filter

This filter has a drop-down menu with three options: All, Yes, and No.

Archived Filter

Is your Inbox getting too crowded, but your scared to lose some conversations or want to put them aside?

Marking them as Archived will remove the conversations from your Inbox view and let you focus on the right conversations.

If you later want to revisit these conversations, Filter by Archived Filter and quickly access the old chats to re-evaluate them.

Filtered Archived conversations

Do you need an adequate group of connections or Filters?

Here’s a suitable workaround! 😎

From your Connections Tab > Filter by any or multiple criteria > Find the desired connections > Tag them with a specific tag > Go to Inbox > Filter by that Tag

Enjoy managing and staying on top of meaningful conversations, as that's the best way to maintain relationships. 🎉

Your LeadDelta team
P.S. Growing a business is hard. We try to make it a bit easier, here.

Updated on: 27/03/2024

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