Articles on: Connections and Actions

How to import files with custom columns

By importing a file with additional data points you can extend the default data fields provided in LeadDelta connection tables.

Custom fields can be added to the system in two different ways:

Through the data management section, before the import. This option is suitable when you're importing multiple data fields with different field types.

Data management

Clicking on the +Add field button will open a sidebar on the right side of the screen where you can insert the field name and choose the field type.

Add field sidebar

To ensure that the data is accepted during the import, we recommend formatting and sorting your files first.

There are four different field types:

Text field: Any text format is accepted during the import. maximum of 255 characters
Date: Any date format is accepted during the import and data will be standardized with the following format MM-DD-YY.
Number: Whole number format
True/False: Boolean fields, True/False format is recommended

Please note that the field type can not be edited once the field is created.

Custom field more menu

Custom fields can be edited or deleted by clicking on the more menu/ three dots option on the right side of the field name.

Fields can be deleted in bulk, however, bulk edit is not allowed at the moment.

Custom field can be created during the import. This option is suitable if you want to create a few fields on the go.

Create new field

While importing the CSV file, in the mapping table, there is an option to +Create new field and map the existing file columns.

Add Connection Field Pop Up

Once the fields are created, you can enable those columns in the main connection table.

Customize Columns

Custom Columns are not enabled by default, and can be enabled only after at least one connection with the custom data is imported.

Maximum number of custom fields that can be created is 10.

Maximum number of characters in the field name is 27.

In the current version, custom column filters are not supported.


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Updated on: 22/05/2024

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