Articles on: Connections and Actions

How does updating work? Why are connections taking time to update?

LeadDelta is updating a certain number of connections per day automatically. You can manage the number of the connections we're updating daily according to your current LinkedIn usage.

When you first sign up, your account is a subject of a default updating limit. The default limit is set to 25 connections per day.

This can be adjusted later in the account Settings.

Please keep in mind that the number shouldn't be greater than your current number of profile visits on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn has different profile view limits depending on your subscription.
If you are a free user, you don’t put more than 50 updates per day.
If you are a Premium user, you can update up to 150 profiles per day.
If you are using Recruiter or Sales Navigator, you can view up to 300 profiles per day.
Please count in your personal visits and searches.

You can also pause/restart Auto-Update in case you're close to exceeding LinkedIn's daily limits.

Your safety comes first. We have to ensure that whatever we do we comply with LinkedIn.

You can also update individual connections manually when you really need someone's contact info immediately. These manual updates count towards the daily limit.

Updating connections only works only when you have LeadDelta open. In other words, keep your LeadDelta tab open at least once or twice per day and it will go faster.

We are constantly working on improving the contact update functionality, please take a look at our feature roadmap for more information.

Your LeadDelta team
P.S. Growing a business is hard. We try to make it a bit easier, here.

Updated on: 05/06/2024

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