Articles on: Connections and Actions

How to Use Filters in LeadDelta

In order to find the specific connection(s) easily, you will be able to use LeadDelta Filters.

LeadDelta Filters

You need to click on the Filter button

and the Filter section will get expanded where you can choose to filter by:

Date Connected

Date Connected Filter

Filter connections based on the date you've connected with them. You can choose the exact date or the date range in the calendar.

Last Messaged Date

Last Messaged date

Filter connections based on the last time you've been in touch with them. You can choose the exact date or the date range in the calendar.

Hidden Connections - Options: No (default), Yes, All - filtering just the hidden connections, the ones that are not hidden or all

Tags - dropdown with the list of Tags and option to search for the specific Tag and filter the connections that have the selected tags applied. Tags are working based on the AND/OR logic so you can chose between those two terms when using this filter.

AND- showing the connections that have both tags applied
OR- showing the connections that have one or the other tag applied

Note that the first option in a dropdown is No Tags and once selected, LeadDelta is presenting only the Connections that do not have any Tag applied.

Exclude Tag - dropdown with the list of Tags - once selected, you will get to be presented with the Connections that do not contain the selected tags. Note that the Tags you selected in the Tags dropdown are not shown in Exclude Tag dropdown and viceversa.

Languages - Filter connections based on the language they communicate in. Once the connections are updated, you will be able to see all available languages. More information at the end of this article.

Language search

Note - All (default), Yes, No - filtering just the connections with the note, without the note and all connections. Search - Gives you the option to search notes by keyword or the exact match.


Already Connected - All (default), Yes, No - filtering just the connections that were contacted, that haven't been contacted yet and all

Already Connected

Industry - dropdown with the list of all the industries - filtering the connections that have the selected industry attached


Company - Search field where you would need to enter the name or part of the Company name you want to get the connections for

Headline - Search field where you would need to enter the name or part of the Headline you want to get the connections for

Location - Search field where you would need to enter the name or part of the Location you want to get the connections for. LeadDelta is searching both through the Country and what the connection chose for the Location, e.g. United States + San Francisco

Job Title - Search field where you would need to enter the the name or the keyword for the Job Title you want to get the connections for

Following - All (default), Unknown, Yes, No - filtering just the connections that you are following, unfollowing, unknown following status or all


Contact Info - All (deafult), With Contact Info, Without Contact Info- filtering connections with or without contact information

Contact Info

Date of Birth - filter connections based on their birthdate. You can select the date range in the calendar

Date of Birth

Min and Max No. of Followers - filter connections based on their follower count. You can type the minimum or the maximum number of followers a connection has for them to be included in the search

Min and Max number of followers

There will be an option to Clear Filters by clicking on Clear Filters option.

The number of active filters will also appear on the Filters button.

Are you having problems finding the right connections? Maybe not all of those are updated so far.
Please watch this quick video to learn more:

UPDATE 1/19/2022

Save filter option: You finally managed to find the right combination of filters to drill down the connections you need? That is the starting point for a successful networking and what we found to be the hardest part of it, is remembering which combination is bringing the best results. Luckily, you don't have to do it anymore as we introduced the Save filter option!

Once you apply the filters, click on the Save Filters button, name the search and you can re-run the same combination every time you need to find those connections.

In case you don't need the search saved anymore it's incredibly easy to edit or delete the saved filters.

UPDATE 2/1/2022

Building and nurturing meaningful relationships with your connections often require speaking the same language. But how can you tell which language to use to send them a message? Luckily, you don't have to spend a tremendous amount of time trying to find that information, with LeadDelta it only takes a few moments to update your connections and get the list of languages they speak.

Start by adding the language column to the page view

Then you can slowly start updating your connections, not too many on a daily level though if you're not using your LI account often. In that case updating a dozen connections would be sufficient. If you're, one the other hand, a power user or you have a premium LI/ SaleNav account, in that case, you can update up to 50 connections daily.

Once those are updated, you'll see all the languages that got pulled in when you click on the language filter.

Watch this quick video to learn all about our amazing new feature!

Your LeadDelta team
P.S. Growing a business is hard. We try to make it a bit easier, here.

Updated on: 17/06/2024

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