Articles on: Connections and Actions

How to Sync with LinkedIn

As soon as you get onboarded to LeadDelta, we will get the latest set of your connections.

The system will run the Auto Sync every 24 hours to get the latest connections into the system upon logging in. This process will run seamlessly in the background ensuring more efficient workflow.

However, in case you are getting new connections all the time, you could be syncing those manually by navigating to the settings page in the top right corner (profile image).

Manual Sync

You can manually sync every 15 minutes, however, it's not recommendable to sync too often and too many times on the daily level.

In case the sync button is grayed out, it probably means that the sync already happened less than 15 minutes ago. You will be able to see the last sync date on the same page.

Your LeadDelta team
P.S. Growing a business is hard. We try to make it a bit easier, here.

Updated on: 16/09/2024

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