Articles on: Connections and Actions

How to Search for a Connection

If you want to find the specific connection, you should just head over to Search by input field and enter any part of the following connection's data:

* Input Field:

You can enter the specific criteria or filter by multiple entries:

Company - Search field where you would need to enter the name or part of the Company name you want to get the connections for

Headline - Search field where you would need to enter the name or part of the Headline you want to get the connections for

Location - Search field where you would need to enter the name or part of the Location you want to get the connections for. LeadDelta is searching both through the Country and what the connection chose for the Location, e.g. United States + San Francisco

Job Title - Search field where you would need to enter the the name or the keyword for the Job Title you want to get the connections for

Note Search - Gives you the option to search notes by keyword or the exact match.

To update the table, as you type the search term press enter.

You will be able to easily clear the search term by clicking on the X icon.

Please note that this search is not case sensitive.

If you can't find a specific connection by name, that connection is either not your 1st-degree connection, is not synced, or disconnected with you in the meantime before you synced.

Please keep in mind that, for now, the search is based on the keyword, so all connections that contain a certain term will be presented on the page.

In case there are no search results according to the entered search term, you will be presented with No Results state.

No results state

Your LeadDelta team
P.S. Growing a business is hard. We try to make it a bit easier, here.

Updated on: 16/09/2024

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