Zapier Integration
Requirements The Zapier integration requires paid or free version of the Zapier Account and any paid version of the LeadDelta account. Step 1: Sign in/ Sign up for Zapier Sign in to Zapier if you already have a Zapier account. In case you don't already have an account, sign up first.PopularHow to connect with Pabbly
Head over to the Integrations tab and then go to Pabbly Connect tab. Initially, no webhooks are created and you can create a new one by clicking on the New Webhook button. The popup will open up where you need to enter: Webhook name Pabbly Connect Webhook URL Choose LeadDelta event it will be conneSome readersHow to Generate/Revoke API Key
In order to generate API Key, you should head over to Integrations tab - the last tab in the main tab navigation and you will be presented with two tabs - API Key and Pabbly Connect. Initially, API Key tab will be opened. Once you click on Generate API Key option, API key will be generated. You can easily revoke it by clicking on Revoke API Key button. (https://storage.crisp.chaFew readersHubSpot Integration (Beta)
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