Articles on: Onboarding

Update vs Sync: What is the difference?

Sync vs Update what is the difference:

— Sync: Syncs Connections

Sync, syncs the latest state from LinkedIn to LeadDelta. For example: NEW connections and Connections that disconnected from you. When you join LeadDelta for the first time you're agreeing to sync your connections and it's an automated action that will pull in all your current 1st-degree connections. You can read more about the Sync here.

It might take a few minutes, so please be patient and wait for the process to finish.

Auto Sync runs every 12 hours when you are logged in to LeadDelta. You can sync your connections manually once every 15 minutes, if needed.

It's not recommendable to sync your connections too many times within 24 hours.

— Update: Updates Data (enriches)

Update, updates the latest data and can be manual or automatic. You can learn more about the Update here.

Your LeadDelta team
P.S. Growing a business is hard. We try to make it a bit easier, here.

Updated on: 17/10/2024

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