Articles on: Templates

How to Manage Templates

If you wish to manage Message Templates, just click on the Templates tab in the main top bar and you will be presented with the list of all the Templates showing:

Template Name
Type - Default (Templates created by LeadDelta) and Custom (Templates created by you)
Date/Time when the Template was created
Author - Default (in case of a default template) and the actual email (in case of a user)
Action column with Edit, Edit and Duplicate and Delete as possible actions (please note that it will not be possible to Edit or Delete the Default templates)

In order to Edit a template, you just need to click on the Edit Template option that is presented in the far right of the Template row that you wish to edit. A Sidebar will appear where you will be able to change the Template Name and its copy. You just need to click on the Save Template button in order to update the Template.

Template Sidebar

Please note that since the new Web App we have a minor bug with the duplicate template option. It will also be possible to Duplicate and Edit any of the existing templates by clicking on this option in the More menu (...). It will actually open Add New Template sidebar with both the name and copy prefilled from the template that you wanted to duplicate.

In case you want to delete a template that you created, you just need to click on the Delete Template option in the More menu (...) of the template row.

You will get presented with the double confirmation popup and only once you click on the Delete button, the Template will be deleted for good.

Delete template

Please note that it will not be possible to Edit or Delete a Default Template. However, you can hide the default templates in case you don't need those.

Hide/Unhide templates

Clicking on the same button will bring the default templates back.

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Updated on: 10/09/2024

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